Monday, January 14, 2019

Lasik Enhancement; Lifting the Flap Vs. Surface Ablation(TOOAJ)- Lupine Publishers

Refractive errors re-treatment after primary Lasik treatment is known as Lasik enhancement, by exclusion of the causes of residual errors after Lasik treatment of refractive errors, residual errors may even be still a nightmare for not only the patient but also the surgeon. The factors that can cause imperfect refractive outcome after initial treatment by Lasik are variable and depend on the surgeon skills, selection and preparation of the case, and machine adjustment. The surgeon skills improvement is not within the scope of this article as it needs special attention to many points like training, corneal map reading and finally the decision of doing or not. The case selection and preparation are not that far to the previous point, but the tool is different as we need to analyze the patient data on the base of age, occupation, and the number of refractive errors. Meticulous refractive test and evaluation of refractive status of the patient including manifest and cycloplegic refraction tests, best corrected visual acuity recording including pinhole test and recording the final visual outcome after treatment by Lasik, all are important considerations.

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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Detection of The Muscle Affected In Vertical Deviation Induced by A Single Muscle (TOOAJ)- Lupine Publishers

Purpose: To detect the muscle affected in vertical deviation induced by a single muscle.

Material and methods:
A table was formed combining the Parks-Bielschowsky and Bajandas tests.

Detection of the muscle affected in vertical deviation induced by a single muscle is made possible by means of the table formed in accordance with the principles of the Parks-Bielschowsky and Bajandas tests.

If a single muscle is responsible for the deviation, it can be determined using these two tests. However, application of these tests may, on occasions though, cause some confusion. Through the table, it is quite easy for physicians to detect the affected muscle using the directions.

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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Comparison of Invasive & Non-Invasive Tear Break up Time Measurement Techniques in Contact Lens Users (TOOAJ) -Lupine Publishers

Purpose: To compare invasive and non-invasive techniques for measuring tear break-up time (TBUT) in contact lens users.

Methodology: Comparison of invasive and non-invasive TBUT was done on a sample of 30 contact lens users (60eyes) ages limit from 15 to 30 years of females at Department of Ophthalmology, Madinah Teaching Hospital (MTH) Faisalabad by applying non probability convenient sampling technique. This descriptive cross sectional study was completed in duration of 6 months from October 2018 to March; 2018. An appropriate informed consent was taken from each participant under study. Video keratograph and Bausch and Lomb keratometer were used to measure non-invasive tear break up time. Flourescein tear break up time was performed by Slit Lamp using flourscein strip. Averages of three readings were recorded of each technique to ensure accuracy. Data was analyzed by One-way ANOVA test in SPSS software version 20.

Results: There is insignificant difference between invasive and non-invasive TBUT technique at level of 5% confidence interval.

Conclusion: There is no significant difference between values of invasive and non invasive tear break up time. Each of three techniques can be applied for measuring tear film stability.

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Multiple Focal Choroidal Excavations in Association with Protein Rich Diet

  Introduction Choroidal excavation is a novel entity that is diagnosed with optical coherence tomography (OCT). In 1959, Klien,...